D’Flèche du Nord organiséiert all Joer zwee offiziell Turnéieren: Outdoor Turnéier 2025 D’Flèche du Nord hällt dëst Joer nees hiert Outdoor Tounéier den 29. Mee 2025 am Stade Municipale zu Ettelbréck. Fir Iessen an Drénken ass gesuergt.

Club de Tir à l'arc d'Ettelbruck
Flèche du Nord Ettelbruck asbl R.C.S. F9.182 Alex van der MeerTel. : +352 691 491 302 Mail : avdmeer@pt.lu Want more information about the sport? Do you want to have useful tips before coming to the training? Please Weider Liesen ...
Our club has been founded in 1976. Today it counts around 60 members from all age groups and of every category. Although archery is an individual sport in the first place, team elements are also added through tournaments with other Weider Liesen ...
Our training schedule is as follows: We trainTuesday and Fridaybetween 5pm and 8pm Summer season (April 15th to September 15th) Our training field is on the grass fields of the Deich between the Frëschezenter and the slaughterhouse along the Alzette; Weider Liesen ...
Welcome to the Flèche du Nord – Ettelbruck website. On this site, you can find all about our archery club.
The Flèche du Nord is an official partner of Luxarc.